Monday, February 11, 2008

For my children, lost but not forgotten 2-11-08

Saral Noel Blaylock
Rachel Ayla Blaylock
Noah Gabriel Blaylock
Dear Sarah, Rachel, and Noah,

It is hard to believe that five years have passed since I held you in my arms. What a brief but blessed time that was. How strange it is that such crucial moments in our lives seem to transcend time. It is the same with your presence now as it was then: you are nestled safely in my heart and continue to animate every good thing I do.

It is you, my three special babies, who taught me how to love more fully than ever before. You stretched the limits of my being and when you left this earth I felt so excruciatingly empty. But, our dear Lord has tempered that loss with great joys in your father and brother, great zeal for this life that once seemed so hard to live. And, now, I am happily pursuing a place in ministry so that I may continue to share the wordless joy that you three gave to me four years ago.

To say that I miss you now seems only trite. I still long for you; I still hear whispers of your laughter; I catch glimpses of your smiles in earthly faces; I feel your movement in my deepest yearnings. I am grateful, perhaps now more than ever, for my faith. It is my faith which sustains this earthly journey and somehow assures me that our spirits will meet again. I would be lost without that faith, without that hope.

The gentle nudge of your spirits remain close to me; I never fail to listen though it is often painful. Be patient with my sorrow; I appreciate your closeness to our God and will join you in proper time.

Stay in the light, in the bosom of our Lord, my sweet children. Know that you are loved, missed and forever cherished.

Happy Birthday!



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