Thursday, April 3, 2008


I'm still settling into the Easter reality. I feel as if I have lived the drama of death and resurrection many times in my life. While I still grieve for many I have lost, I also can say that I no longer fear death as perhaps I once did. As I age I understand in a deeper sense the whole cycle thing of life. While my immediate family and I wait as my grandmother struggles through her last days, a good friend recently relayed his joy over his wife's newly discovered pregnancy.
It is hard to get stuck in the low moments when you believe and can see the high ones around the bend.
It doesn't lessen the lower moments, it just keeps them in perspective. I have to say that I have grown to love the intricate, sometimes painful and sometimes magnificent cycle of life. I feel as if I railed against the reality of it in my younger years, desperate to 'hang on' and to 'rage against the dying of the light.' But, I'm okay with it now. My faith truly affords me the belief that there is peace and love on the other side of this life and that however it takes shape it will truly be beyond our wildest dreams and expectations.
This week has been fraught with vulnerabilities. My mother is in pain with back problems; my son has bronchitis; my grandmother is dying. Finitude is very real. Yet, I know, as Julian of Norwich so poingnantly put, that all will be well...yes, all will be well.