Thursday, January 17, 2008

On Gardening

I've heard the term 'spirituality' bandied about for years now. I'm never quite sure what is meant by the term unless a sufficient context is provided. For me, I think of spirituality in terms of a garden. And, mind you, I have no green thumbs.

Gardening is hard work. I was out tossing some dead plants today, plants I should have brought in before we dipped near freezing temperatures, and I was reminded of how those dead plants are much like my spirit when I haven't had ample quiet time. I start to wilt and look ashen; I long for the warmth of the sun and brighter days. Just months ago my garden was full of life, some wild, some planted, arbitrarily tended by me. I have a bad habit of planting flowers with great intentions of caring for them only to return to them weeks later in an effort to save them from final doom.

I was having lunch with a friend the other day and noticed a beautifully manicured garden at a local restaurant. I remarked, "I wonder how they keep these so healthy." She responded, "I think they are replaced and replinished regularly." There are so many things in my spiritual life that need fine tuned care; they can't simply be replinished or replaced. So, I must tend to them with some sense of dedicated care and not take the benefits of such care for granted.

My soil often grows rocky and dry. Real friendship, a sunny day, a stroll with the dogs, or the smile of my baby boy all enrich the soil again. As I grow older, I am more aware of the gems which fertilize my soul. Simple things like this story--enjoy!

Stories like this put everything in perspective. I like a good sermon that isn't really a sermon at all...

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